Conscious Sedation

Some people put off undergoing root canal therapy or other endodontic procedures because of their anxiety and fear. Here at Premier Endodontics, our team understands these concerns well; however, we also want to ensure that you and your smile receive needed care before relatively minor damage turns into a much more serious condition. That’s why Dr. Joseph Creasy is happy to offer conscious sedation here in Fort Worth, TX. With these techniques, patients can feel truly relaxed and at ease as we transform their oral health for the better.

Oral Conscious Sedation

When choosing oral conscious sedation, our team will provide you with a prescription for a sedative that you should take at a certain point before your appointment is set to begin. You will need a trusted friend or family member to bring you to and from our office. Once you’ve arrived, we’ll make sure you feel as comfortable as possible before beginning the procedure. Most patients fall into such a deep state of relaxation that they don’t even remember anything about their visit once it's finished.

After your treatment is complete, your escort will then need to take you home and stay with you for the rest of the day, or until you’ve fully recovered from the effects of the medication. We typically recommend conscious sedation for patients who have a difficult time becoming numb through regular means, who have a fear of needles, who need to have their treatment completed in as few appointments as possible, or who simply can’t stand the associated sights and sounds of a medical office.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is very similar to oral conscious sedation; the only real difference is that the sedative involved is administered to the patient intravenously instead of through mediation. This is actually more ideal in some cases, given that it allows our team to adjust your dose should the effects be too mild or too severe. Again, most patients enter a deep state of comfort and experience partial or full memory loss after their procedure is finished.